Think, feel, be

It’s pretty simple once you take a second to think about it. ..

If you are thinking a positive thought then your body is likely to feel the feelings of positivity (light, warmth, glow etc), which, like a domino effect, contributes to how you connect, interact and view the outside work (family, spouse, friends, neighbours, co workers, the supermarket check out worker…)

On the other hand, if you are thinking negative thoughts, your body is likely to feel the feelings of that negative thought (dark, heavy, gray, weighed down etc), which contributes to your behaviour. You’re likely to react instead of respond, snap or will struggle to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Your thoughts are more powerful than you imagine!
Let the good ones light you up and the negative ones come and go like waves.

You can order your think, feel be t-shirt here

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